The last exam is done!

The last exam is done!

Two days ago I did my last exam: 54 page orchestration of Mozart’s piano sonata. Work will be sent to jury in Madrid (two other options were: Paris and Vienna).

And even though I don’t know yet any results of all the exams, I turned on the “summer mode”.
During 3 last months I spent over 500 eur on books: I plan to reveal some more secrets of this great achievement of human’s – music.

Yesterday it was also the last performance with the spectacle “CHTO”. It was a cooperation with young dancers from one dance school in Geneva. We made in total around 8 performances around the city. Music was composed and played by two guitarists: Angelito and me. We had a lot of fun rehearsing and performing the spectacle and myself, in addition, I also felt some kind of a special joy. Stravinsky used to work and live in Geneva for about 10 years of his life and cooperated a lot with French ballet dancers. This fact was a great inspiration for me!
More towards the end of our successful cooperation we decided with my partner to write a set of small pieces for two guitar based on the play, which I plan to finish by September, record and of course to share with you.

So, let’s raise a cup of cool water (or Earl-Grey tea) for hard-working people!IMG_0784