Tags: education

Composer: how to find your own style

That’s an interesting question! I guess, many young “classical” composers break their heads on figuring out the answer. So do I… Here I would like to write about my vision of composing as a professional. Style of composing: “classical” or since word “classical” has very wide meaning (are we talking about Classicism period music – Mozart, for example, […]

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New piece for solo guitar – Tribute to Ilya Muromets a bogatyr

Today I finished another new piece of mine for solo guitar.  Here is a short background of the piece: When I was a small kid, my mother used to read me a lot of Russian fairy tales, when I went to bed: breathtaking adventures of strong knights and beautiful princesses, battles between good and evil, […]

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A piece for a voice, guitar and double bass

A piece for a voice, guitar and double bass is almost ready! 🙂 Since the beginning of my official music studies I was educated in terms of classical music and classical harmony. Later, when I started to write my first pieces (with a “help” of destructive criticism of some teachers), it was hard for me […]

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