
Dmitri Timoshenko (born in 1987 in Tallinn, Estonia) began his guitar studies when he was 14. In Tallinn his classical guitar teacher was Tiit Peterson, as well as jazz guitarist Mart Soo. Under the guidance of these two outstanding guitarists he studied at the Georg Ots Music School (2004-2008). Dmitri continued studies at the Turku Art
Academy (Finland) as a student of Timo Korhonen and got his bachelor’s diploma in pedagogy in Spring 2013. In 2016 he graduated from the Geneva University Of Music where he studied guitar and composition with Dusan Bogdanovic.

The repertoire of the guitarist spans from the Renaissance lute works to Contemporary music as well as his own compositions. He has commissioned and performed works of Estonian present-day composers like Riho Esko Maimets and Vsevolod Pozdejev.

He has improved his skills by attending master classes of Oscar Ghiglia, Leo Brouwer, Ismo Eskelinen, Jyrki Myllärinen, Ricardo Gallén, Raphaella Smits, Elena Papandreou, among others.

Timoshenko played on different festivals in Finland, Estonia, Belgium, UK and Switzerland with solo concerts as well as in ensemble with other musician and artists (cooperating with guitarists, singers; dancers; circus actors and photographers). Dmitri has performed with such guitarists as Ismo Eskelinen and Jyrki Myllärinen. Appeared on Estonian television and radio, occasionally giving interviews in newspapers.

Dmiri Timoshenko plays spruce top/brazilian rosewood guitar made by Keijo Korelin (Finland).
Currently Dmitri is a teacher and runs his own program of Composer-Performer at Old Town Educational College as

well as Georg Ots Music School. Timoshenko AS A COMPOSER

Composition, whether it stretches the mind or not, takes us on that crucial journey into our own imagination which is one of man’s greatest experiences”.

Reginald Smith Brindle

Starting from 2014 Dmitri has dedicated more time to music composition creating pieces for many different
projects: theatrical plays, choreography and dance performances, music festivals, slide shows and cartoons. Interested in Renaissance, Modern and Traditional folk music from different places (Europe, Africa, Middle East, India) and applying the elements of it, Dmitri is creating his own unique style. He has studied orchestration and composition under the guidance of outstanding professionals and is constantly improving his knowledge.

I would like my music to serve at least three purposes:
1. To be educational (that it would contain information about a distant places and cultures; connected to history) 2. That it would have something, that one can think of and discuss, as well as
3. Purely for aesthetical pleasure while listening to it (relaxing, dancing, doing sports, reading, meditating, wondering).

Received grants: from the Estonian Cultural Foundation and Swiss Government.


Feedback after the solo recital in London, UK, October 2012:

“Dmitri Timoshenko exhibited the most persistent and fierce concentration I have seen in a long time. His performance (for the Ealing Guitar Society, London UK) was characterised by flawless realisations of the structure and melodies of the works in his programme. His ability to play with a complete spectrum of colour by perfect placements of his right hand showed a startlingly high level of experience, well beyond his years.”

Steve Dell, Ealing Guitar Society, London, UK

“Dima on työhönsä ja musiikkiin intohimoisesti suhtautuva heittäytyjä, jonka kanssa on ollut antoisaa tehdä yhteistyötä. Dima on monipuolinen ja erittäin luova kitaristi, joka suhtautuu erittäin ammattimaisesti ja paneutuneesti keikkatoimintaan. Hänen kanssaan on ollut hauska suunnitella ohjelmistoja eri tilaisuuksien mukaan.”

Mika Väyrynen, Turun AMK:n Taideakatemian palvelutuotanto. Esitys- ja esiintyjäpalvelut.

“Dmitri Timoshenkon kitarataide on yhdistelmä muodon- ja tyylin tajua sekä vähäeleistä ja alleviivaamatonta virtuoositeettia. Hänellä vaikuttaa olevan kosolti analyyttistä näkemystä esitettävistä teoksista.”

Vesa Teittinen, kitarataiteilija.

“Taitavaa ja tunnelmasta toiseen vievää musisointia, yleisön mukaansa tempaavaa virtuositeettia.”

Maria Tennilä, toimistosihteeri/kulttuuritoimi, Sallan kulttuuri ja vapaa-aika

Review of the concert in Orimattila newspaper 1.11.2013 (in Finnish):
