Kitarriõpe Tallinnas (Mustamäel) !
Välismaal (Soome, Šveits) parimate õpetajate juures kõrghariduse saanud kitarripedagoog / helilooja / kitarrisolist Dmitri Timoshenko alustab õpilaste vastuvõttu .
Standardprogrammile lisandub uut ja huvitavat, kus rõhk on asetatud ka kitarrile komponeerimisele. Lisaks kitarrimängule võimalik võtta ka tunde muusikateoorias.
Õpetamise keel: eesti, vene, inglise ja soome.
Stiilid: klassikaline, popp, aafrika, ladina-ameerika, jazz (alg), blues (alg), improvisatsioon.
Õpilaste vanus: alates 4-st eluaastast (ülemist piiri pole)
Tase: alg, kesk ja akadeemiline.
Lisainfo ja registreerimine:
tel. 56 940 314
Parim investeering on haridus
Уроки игры на гитаре в Таллине
Дипломированный квалифицированный педагог, получивший высшее музыкальное образование за границей у лучших преподавателей музыки и гитары объявляет набор учеников.
К основной стандартной программе прилагается новая и интересная, в рамках которой делается акцент на сочинение музыки для гитары (опыт не обязателен!).
Возможность получить уроки по теории музыки (сольфеджио).
Возраст: от 4 лет
Уровень: начальный, средний и академический
Стили: классический, поп (эстрада), африканский; латино-американский; джаз (начальный), блюз (начальный); импровизация.
Языки преподавания: русский, эстонский, финский и английский.
Информация и регистрация:
56 940 314
Лучшая инвестиция – образование
Guitar Lessons in Tallinn (Mustamäe)!
Abroad (Finland, Switzerland) with the best teachers received higher education guitar teacher / composer / guitar soloist Dmitri Timoshenko began his courses.
Standard program is complemented with a new and interesting idea, where the emphasis is placed on the composing for guitar. In addition, one can also take lessons in music theory.
Teaching language: Estonian, Russian, English and Finnish.
Styles: classical, pop, African, Latin American, jazz (beginner), blues (beginner), improvisation.
Age of students: from the age of 4 (no upper limit)
Level: elementary, secondary and university.
For more information and registration:
tel. 56940314
The best investment is education
Questions – ask, if you have a question. I will try to answer and help you.
Feedback and thank yous – specific feedback is appreciated. If you just want to say thanks, the best way to do that is to let others know about this website, so more people can benefit from it.
Interview or media inquiries. Occasionally I write about music, playing technique, composing, finding gigs and my experience of making a living as a musician. I could share these things with your magazine or website.
Meeting in person – if you’re coming to Tallinn, Estonia and would like to meet up, let me know when you’ll be in town and tell me something about yourself. I love meeting new people.
Each of us is talented. Someone’s memory for a melody is better, another is capable to remember better a rhythm and someone may have more strong finger’s (muscle) memory – everybody is good at something. During the lessons we will develop and balance all these aspects, listen and create our own music.
If you work in a field that is not related to music – don’t worry. Music is everywhere around us and what is important is that you simply like music. Any style, any sort. During the course we will learn how to put our feelings into the sounds and express emotions. Your own preferences and taste will be taken into account, as well as your timetable and abilities. We will work on correct playing position and technique. You will learn to play expressively, catch attention of audience and much more.
If you have a dream about playing a concert, doing a band or making a recording, I will help you to achieve those goals by giving necessary skills. All of my students compose their own music, songs and are creative. In my experience I had students from 4 y.o up to 60 y.o.
I studied pedagogy for 8 years and have the diploma, as well as teaching experience for over 13 years. You can receive classes in English, Finnish, Estonian and Russian languages.
Currently I teach in Tallinn. If you are interested in taking the guitar course, feel free to contact.
Welcome to discover secrets of music and guitar playing!