Month: October 2016

  • Having a style

    In our time we are used that a certain composer has his own distinguished style. We read in books: “in this period composer “A.” was still searching for his style. Ten years after he found it.” If there was not so much variety in early music, then more towards the Romanticism we see more distinguished styles (due to…

  • Composers-Performers

    ET Nüüdseks on 16 õpilast, kes on osalemas selles uues ja põnevas programmis. Nad õpivad ja teevad oma teoseid pärimusmuusika vaimus, pop laule (mõned neist kasutavad oma luuletusi), kaasaegseid teoseid soolokitarrile ja improviseerivad. Minu õpetamiskogemuse ajal (üle 15 aastat) ei ole ma näinud õpilasi nii huvitatud kitarrimängust ja komponeerimisest nagu nüüd – kui nad saavad…

  • New piece to compose

    Recently I received an offer to write a duo for English horn and guitar.

  • Giving life to music

    One of the interesting features of being a composer-performer (playing your own works) is that you can always change and vary, add and remove something from your works – play them differently without being afraid of criticism. Actually, these days it seems to me pretty ridiculous of writing something down, creating really precise notes and…

  • Got a tabla!

    Two of my guitar students in Estonia knew, how much I love India with its culture and that when I left Geneva I had to give away tabla that school was lending me. I remember the moment: it was like tearing off a piece of my heart… Today, they gave me a present… Thank you…

  • Guitar and violoncello piece

    Writing a new piece. I dreamed for many years to write a piece for cello and guitar. Today morning when I woke up I heard a beautiful harmony in my mind and sweet melody over it. Smooth chill arpeggio played by the guitar, dancing melody of the cello sometimes stopping to listen to itself, then…

  • A 7-note scale

    Within a 7-notes scale there is really a lot of different harmonies and chords hidden. Choose one of the notes and spin around it like a planet around the Sun. Jump on another planet and watch the rest six notes spinning, passing by, each with its own pace. Seems like it can continue endlessly: it…