Month: April 2017

  • Music notes!

    ET Nootide tundmine on tähtis! Nii nootide kui ka erinevate tabulatuuride tundmine on tähtis. See on sama kui mida rohkem keeli valdad – seda kasulikum.  See annab liigipääsu informatsiooni juurde. Ja informatsioon on jõud. RU Знать ноты – это важно! Знание нот как и знание разных табулатур важно. Это как знание языков: чем больше знаешь,…

  • A new project

    Started a new project: guitar and soprano singer. Collecting lyrics, poems and short stories about nature; legends and myths from various countries: Estonia, England, Finland and Japan. Composing music for them with some folk flavor. Probably this summer some concerts will follow 🙂

  • Invitation, Tallinn Guitar Festival

    Recently I was invited to speak about my music as well as my teaching method to Tallinn Guitar Festival June 2017.

  • Reserve some time for…

    I had a chance to study with very good musicians. One of them was my orchestration teacher. He taught me to pay more attention to instrumentation and orchestration. Through him I again discovered the art of Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov (couple of year ago I visited his home – now a museum, – in Saint-Petersburg, sensed a…

  • A new piece becoming ready!

    Couple of days ago I came across one interesting article. The author was writing about 6 varieties of love that ancient Greek used to distinguish. It seemed to me so wonderful the idea, that few days later I sat down and decided to write a set of small pieces – each representing one kind of…

  • Writing a melody

    Writing a theme or a melody for a piece for me is an intellectual work, a lot of analysis. I think of a theme as of a person and search for a better way to describe its character. In music for that we have three basic tools: Melody. Harmony. Rhythm. Where the second one can be seen as a…

  • Small composers-performers. 2nd concert

    ET Eelmisel nädalal mu väiksed heliloojad-esinejad õpilased mängisid oma teise kontserdi. Jällegi soe vastuvõt publiku poolt. Vanemad väga õnnelikud! Mõtlen käivitada oma kontserdisarja. RU На прошлой неделе мои маленькие композиторы-исполнители сыграли свой второй концерт. Опять тепло принимается зрителями. Родители очень счастливы! Думаю о запуске нашей собственной серии концертов. EN Last week my little composers-performers students…