Tags: students

Small composers-performers. 2nd concert

ET Eelmisel nädalal mu väiksed heliloojad-esinejad õpilased mängisid oma teise kontserdi. Jällegi soe vastuvõt publiku poolt. Vanemad väga õnnelikud! Mõtlen käivitada oma kontserdisarja. RU На прошлой неделе мои маленькие композиторы-исполнители сыграли свой второй концерт. Опять тепло принимается зрителями. Родители очень счастливы! Думаю о запуске нашей собственной серии концертов. EN Last week my little composers-performers students […]

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Two of my students got special prizes

EN A few weeks ago, two of my students have gone to try their skills in a composition contest. They got special prizes. ET Paar nädalat tagasi kaks minu õpilastest on läinud oma jõude proovima kompositsiooni konkursil. Said eripreemiaid. RU Пару недель назад, двое из моих учеников пошли попробовать свои силы в конкурсе композиции. Получили […]

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Got a tabla!

Two of my guitar students in Estonia knew, how much I love India with its culture and that when I left Geneva I had to give away tabla that school was lending me. I remember the moment: it was like tearing off a piece of my heart… Today, they gave me a present… Thank you […]

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1. Stop, put an instrument aside 2. Describe what happened (finger was not in the right time on the right place etc.) 3. Figure out a solution (there might be many: new fingering, different technique etc.) 4. Take an instrument, try the solution out 5. If it works – continue playing piece until the error 6. If solution not […]

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