Tag: students

  • Always With You

    Today recorded my new piece for solo guitar called Always With You. I started writing the piece a couple of weeks ago and initially it was just an improvisation, an exercise in melody development. But then it started growing under my fingers. Tomorrow will shot a video for it and after small mixing will publish…

  • Tallinn V Guitar Student Competition

    ET Täna toimus Tallinna V kitarri õpilaste konkurss ja üks minu õpilastest sai 2. koha. Ta mängis kahte teost, millest üks oli tema enda kirjutatud. Mõnes mõttes ajalooline hetk, sest minu teada on see esimene kord, kui keegi mängib eesti klassikalise kitarri konkursil oma muusikat.   RU Сегодня состоялся V Таллиннский студенческий конкурс гитаристов, и…

  • New (old) piece is finished

    Long time since my last post. During that time few things happened: I wrote a set of “Pieces for Kids. Level I”, finished one of my older pieces called “A Tune”, which I was composing in 2015, but didn’t finish, went to a lecture of Patrick Zeoli (student of Abel Carlevaro) about the guitar technique.…

  • The best reward

    What can be a better reward for a teacher, than his little student getting 1st place at school contest for her guitar performance?

  • A talent

    When we see a kid performing well, we tend to say that s/he is talented. We say that and it becomes a givenness for us. But behind a good performance stands much more, that a simple talent. Or notion “talent” is larger than most of the people used to think. Working with many students of different age, preparing…

  • A teacher

    I believe that being a good teacher is to be conscious about what you do. Thanks to my students, when I teach or practice, I constantly think: – what I do – how I do – why I do They ask me many questions. Sometimes it takes me couple of days to answer, because some…

  • Composer-Performer. Just did it.

    ET Esitlus Tallinna Kitarrifestivali raames on tehtud! Selles ettekandes püüdsin näidata, kui oluline on kompositsiooni õpetamine nii väikestele lastele kui ka täiskasvanutele. Tuletasime meelde aegu kui iga mängija oli ka helilooja. Võiksime õppida meie eelkäijatelt ja tekkitada juurdepääsu rõõmu juurde pillimängus.   EN Did a presentation at Tallinn Guitar Festival. In that presentation I tried…

  • Presentation

    Preparing a presentation for Tallinn Guitar Festival. In that presentation I will try to show the importance of teaching composition to small kids and adults. Looking back in history, when each player was also a composer, and learning from our predecessors is an access to a lot of joy when playing an instrument.

  • The first experience

    The idea of the first experience proved itself working well. Most of the beginners, who came in my guitar class in September 2016, these days ask me regularly “when can we do our own piece? Please! Please!” 🙂 According to my program, a student, coming to a first lesson with me, is creating right away…

  • Music notes!

    ET Nootide tundmine on tähtis! Nii nootide kui ka erinevate tabulatuuride tundmine on tähtis. See on sama kui mida rohkem keeli valdad – seda kasulikum.  See annab liigipääsu informatsiooni juurde. Ja informatsioon on jõud. RU Знать ноты – это важно! Знание нот как и знание разных табулатур важно. Это как знание языков: чем больше знаешь,…