Dmitri’s final concert – exam “Stories Of Your Life”

Hi music lovers!

My final concert – exam is approaching. For those, who missed my previous performances – this is the last chance!

I like putting stories of my life, as well as stories of my friends, into music. Speaking to the people around me, telling about my adventures and listening to theirs. I remember the most thrilling ones and I put them into my music. It’s quite interesting process, actually. So, during the concert you will learn how I do it.

I will play about 60min of my own music.
Some of the pieces are influenced by my home Baltic country – Estonia. Few inspired by the North of Finland – Lapland (Home place of Santa Clause!), where I used to travel giving concerts. Some by Swiss amazing nature. And couple of them by the place I’ve never been before yet, but really have plans to go there – it is West Africa!
I am very happy, that so many talented people from Switzerland, France, Spain, United States, agreed to get together and play music, that costed me blood and tears to compose (each piece has a story behind). There will be performed my string quartet, guitar duo, guitar quartet, as well as duo of dance and guitar.

Who knows: maybe your story will be told at that concert? 🙂

In the GRANDE SALLE of the concervatoire at Place Neuve (very beautiful hall!).

Friday, June 3 at 8 PM9:30 PM

Place de Neuve, 1204 Genève Genève, Suisse
