Month: September 2016

  • Composition for everyone

    During the last couple of weeks with my students we were creating and working on their own pieces. Most of them picked up a guitar for the first time in their lives and now, couple of weeks later, some are already playing technically demanding atonal stuff: fingers move fast back and forth, creating interesting moods: sounds of…

  • Performance of a new piece

    One of my new recently written pieces, which is dedicated to Christine Gabrielle, will be performed on Saturday 12 of November 2016, 18:30 at Foyer du Théâtre Les Salons (6, rue François Bartholoni, 1204 Genève) during the “festival des instruments anciens à cordes pincées, luths & théorbes”. Here is the beautiful flyer: flyer_acma_16_a

  • The new study year has started!

    New study year has started well and I got a lot of new young students! Most of them are beginners, but also few advanced. Everyone is so different, but there is something that unites them. And it is that… They all wanna do their own music!!! No matter if it is 7 y.o. or 16 y.o.…