Three months ago got an offer to compose a piece for anniversary of the school where I currently teach – Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium.
For about two months I was wondering, what should be the concept of the piece. Usually after the concept is found – everything else start going smoothly. I wanted to accent the school’s long history, as well as to put my own experience of working there: great time teaching, supportive colleagues and a nice atmosphere.
Thinking about the 13th century, where the school takes its roots I thought about the monks, thick gray stone walls, prayer. The first idea that came to mind was to do a set of ancient dances, with a touch of modernity. But that felt too boring. I left intense thinking and just let it go, concentrating on other stuff.
That’s how couple of days ago finally the concept was born. The name of the piece is The Miraculous Monk. For two guitars. It is a story of a Monk, who knew magic, could talk to birds, trees and Nature.
Within one week could be finished, so to have time to practice, because performance should be in the end of March