Month: January 2018

  • “The Mystic River” (Video)

    The piece was composed in 2014. At the time I was living and working in Finland. All seemed to be settled down and planned for few years ahead. But after a few months I felt getting bored. I won a competition and went to live and study in Switzerland. The piece was inspired by that…

  • New video is coming soon

    Finally found time during a weekend to record and mix one of my first guitar compositions – The Mystic River. I will put it together with a video made last year during trip to Southern Spain.  

  • Composition competition

    Recently was revealed that also this year, in February, few of my little composer – performer program students are going to part in composition competition. Each of them wrote a piece for solo guitar and going to perform it to the audience and respected jury. Behind the scenes: new composition tricks were tried out and…

  • Do things differently

    I have many different students. One and the same piece I might give to several of them, but approach could be different. For example: there was one composition, based on a Brazilian folk melody arranged for two guitars. First guitar would play melody and second – accompaniment. With one of the students we analyzed the…

  • “Brothers”

    Couple of months ago, while looking through a bunch of scores on my shelves, I found the score. After a short sight-reading I decided to record it. “Brothers” is one of my early pieces, written back in 2012 and is dedicated to my brother. It was a Christmas time, when our family gets together, because…

  • In step with the times

    Technology comes more into our lives. Some people resist. Some – accept, adopt and build them into their lives. I always was a bit afraid of the computers and programs. Because when comes a problem, pretty often there is no one to assist you and you keep struggling with your computer trying to solve it.…