Tallinn Guitar Festival 2018 (overview)

The festival this year was special in a few different ways. Would like to denote several of them.

I presented a recording of my new piece, which was warmly received (soon available on Internet).

Went to Assad Brothers concert, as well as attended their masterclasses and spent nice evening in a restaurant talking about musical composition with Sergio Assad, who gave me one good advice. A few days later I felt an inspiration to write a piece, that would reflect that experience. “The Train” – name of the piece – will speak about moving on in life, going forward and discovering new horizons. Also I spend many hours in trains, traveling here and there to concert venues.

Had short (but interesting) conversation on music and composing with Rene Eespere (Estonian prominent composer).

All that once again showed me, how important it is to keep learning. Something new every day. Never giving up after failure. When a baby is learning to walk, s/he obviously falls, but doesn’t stop trying or doesn’t think that walking is not for her/him. S/he keeps trying. And, one day s/he becomes a great dancer. So, it is not easy to come up regularly with new ideas and concepts, but it is necessary, as it is a part of life. One has to always move forward. Sometimes, it is necessary to change yourself a bit to become a better musician, composer and human being. Keep learning and discovering, sharing things and helping others.