Month: June 2018

  • Getting closer

    It is time to get closer to one of my biggest dreams. Namely, for many years I dreamed to compose music for movies. After long preparations, this summer I will finally create my portfolio as a film composer. In the Autumn on my website will be available excerpts and separate scenes of different genre: Romantic,…

  • (Woke Up) In the Dream. Recording available.

    Here is the recording from duo Telluur: Hope you like it!

  • Next academic year

    Another academic year is over, but already generating ideas for teaching during next year. GLOSSARY Many students start instrument playing when the school starts, age 6-7. Children’s reading skills are incomplete or completely missing. Even though actual theory learning doesn’t start at that point, it’s possible to teach to a small children musical glossary through…

  • You are not alone

    Couple of years ago, after one of my concerts, that consisted entirely of my music, I went to speak with an established composer, who was in the audience. We chatted for about five minutes, during which he told me that “we, composers, are alone”. I wasn’t hundred percent sure what he meant, but here is…

  • Tallinn Guitar Festival 2018 (overview)

    The festival this year was special in a few different ways. Would like to denote several of them. I presented a recording of my new piece, which was warmly received (soon available on Internet). Went to Assad Brothers concert, as well as attended their masterclasses and spent nice evening in a restaurant talking about musical…