Month: June 2017

  • “Composer-Performer”. Lost in freedom

    While traveling and visiting different schools in Europe, I noticed, that these days classical guitar teachers let students to improvise and compose their own piece more than before. That’s a very good tendency! I do it regularly with my students already for several years. Recently I gave a lecture, during which I spoke to teachers…

  • The way to learn

    Thought about improving my piano playing skills and… Wrote a “waltz” piece for piano solo! 🙂 One of the ways to learn any instrument is to “talk” to it, to discover it and to understand how it works (how sound is produced). Then to write a small easy pretty piece for it. That’s how that…

  • Competition

    Competition. Being afraid of competition is normal. Perceptions makes the difference. Improving your skills every days, becoming better and improving your service is way to go. Without a good qualification you cannot keep people for a long time. Amateurs can get a piece of pie. Hopefully, it will motivate them to become better specialists. Open…

  • How to cope with unfamiliar…

    … STYLE. Want to imitate a certain style of music? I found a few basic ways how is possible to do that, put them in a step by step way and would like to share it with you. Learn which instruments (1) are used to make music in that style. Which rhythms (2) are typical?…

  • “Composer-Performer” course feedback!

    (In English and Russian below)   ET Tuli tagasiside minu kursuse “Helilooja-Interpreet” osalejatelt Tallinnas. See oli küsimustik, kus osalejad said hinnata erinevaid kursuse külgi (skaalas 1 – 5. Kus 1 tähendas “ei nõustu” ja 5 “täiesti nõus”), Samuti anda mõni nõu, mida võiks parandada. Muuseas oli küsimusi, näiteks: “Informatsioon pakkutud sellel üritusel on oluline sinule”,…

  • Composer-Performer. Just did it.

    ET Esitlus Tallinna Kitarrifestivali raames on tehtud! Selles ettekandes püüdsin näidata, kui oluline on kompositsiooni õpetamine nii väikestele lastele kui ka täiskasvanutele. Tuletasime meelde aegu kui iga mängija oli ka helilooja. Võiksime õppida meie eelkäijatelt ja tekkitada juurdepääsu rõõmu juurde pillimängus.   EN Did a presentation at Tallinn Guitar Festival. In that presentation I tried…

  • What a day!

    In the morning did a PRESENTATION about my Composer-Performer program within the framework of Tallinn Guitar Festival. In the evening breathtaking GUITAR CONCERT of legendary Roberto Aussel. As well as after-party in a restaurant: eating a soup and Roberto watching me with a smile while playing nice Argentinian music just in the front! Whoa! Once-in-a-life-time…

  • Presentation

    Preparing a presentation for Tallinn Guitar Festival. In that presentation I will try to show the importance of teaching composition to small kids and adults. Looking back in history, when each player was also a composer, and learning from our predecessors is an access to a lot of joy when playing an instrument.

  • Looking back

    I remember how my jazz guitar teacher, who also gave me my first lessons in composition, told me: “Dmitri, write down all your musical ideas and melodies, never throw them away – you might need them in future.” So I did. Recently, looking through old papers, I found an entire piece that I wrote in 2014,…

  • Dream is coming true

    Many years ago, when I was in my teens and started studying classical guitar in Tallinn, I dreamed: how nice it would be to play on a stage of the Estonia Concert Hall – one of the most prestigious concert venues in the country. Now, this Saturday – more than ten years later, – it’s…