When we see a kid performing well, we tend to say that s/he is talented. We say that and it becomes a givenness for us.

But behind a good performance stands much more, that a simple talent. Or notion “talent” is larger than most of the people used to think.

Working with many students of different age, preparing them for concerts and communicating with their parents (when dealing with younger ones), I noticed, that, in fact, there is a long list of points that lead to a good performance:

– Student’s own abilities to learn; the way s/he sees things and connection between them; how fast does s/he learn?

– How attentive, knowledgeable and qualified is a teacher?

– How much time s/he practices an instrument?

– How and what does family think and speak about her/his studies? How do they support their kid?

– How s/he likes her/his instrument (in general. And in detail: does student have a good quality instrument that has a good sound? Is it comfortable to play?)?

– What period of life s/he is passing? Has problems (at school; with classmates, friends, parents etc?

– Her/his mood at a certain moment: one day a child can perform well, another day not. It depends on many things.

– What goals or dreams s/he has about music? Why s/he want to play an instrument?

– How well s/he can discipline herself/himself in practicing.

Most common case, that I encounter is that some students come to me and are full of passion to learn how to play a guitar. They ask me to give them as much homework as possible, so that they can learn fast and a lot in a short period of time. Often they don’t have clear dreams or vision why they want to learn. But it is really important to have a clear vision who you want to be and at what level to play. Whether they think it is very easy to learn and have high expectations and at first difficulties quit or they simply don’t know which direction they want to go.

There are more things that make someone “more talented” that other. Myself I avoid putting any plates with such foggy notions. I see all my students talented – each one is her/his own way. Together we work on balancing strong and weak sides. In life, many things affect our success at a certain point in what we do. If this year you aren’t playing any instrument or think that you have no “talent”, then next year you might be “shaking the ground” with your song. Don’t let notions to limit you. Each one is gifted in something that has to do with music: rhythm, singing or composing. You just need to find a good teacher for the beginning and be ready to work for your dream.