Tag: Composer-Performer

  • Two new “epic” pieces for solo guitar

    Below are two piece I managed to record at the end of the past year. You are subscribed to my YouTube channel, then you already probably know that. The past year 2022 was not very rich in terms of publications. There were many other things, changes in life, various events.I still wrote a plenty of…

  • A new song is out now!

    Happy woman’s day! I wish all the women patience, perseverance and love! (the same thing I said to reporters who caught me downtown today and asked me to give a short speech to women all over the world). For 3 months I haven’t been very active in terms of making music due to some major…

  • Tallinn V Guitar Student Competition

    ET Täna toimus Tallinna V kitarri õpilaste konkurss ja üks minu õpilastest sai 2. koha. Ta mängis kahte teost, millest üks oli tema enda kirjutatud. Mõnes mõttes ajalooline hetk, sest minu teada on see esimene kord, kui keegi mängib eesti klassikalise kitarri konkursil oma muusikat.   RU Сегодня состоялся V Таллиннский студенческий конкурс гитаристов, и…

  • New (old) piece is finished

    Long time since my last post. During that time few things happened: I wrote a set of “Pieces for Kids. Level I”, finished one of my older pieces called “A Tune”, which I was composing in 2015, but didn’t finish, went to a lecture of Patrick Zeoli (student of Abel Carlevaro) about the guitar technique.…

  • Next academic year

    Another academic year is over, but already generating ideas for teaching during next year. GLOSSARY Many students start instrument playing when the school starts, age 6-7. Children’s reading skills are incomplete or completely missing. Even though actual theory learning doesn’t start at that point, it’s possible to teach to a small children musical glossary through…

  • You are not alone

    Couple of years ago, after one of my concerts, that consisted entirely of my music, I went to speak with an established composer, who was in the audience. We chatted for about five minutes, during which he told me that “we, composers, are alone”. I wasn’t hundred percent sure what he meant, but here is…

  • Composition competition

    Recently was revealed that also this year, in February, few of my little composer – performer program students are going to part in composition competition. Each of them wrote a piece for solo guitar and going to perform it to the audience and respected jury. Behind the scenes: new composition tricks were tried out and…

  • Do things differently

    I have many different students. One and the same piece I might give to several of them, but approach could be different. For example: there was one composition, based on a Brazilian folk melody arranged for two guitars. First guitar would play melody and second – accompaniment. With one of the students we analyzed the…

  • Calm Christmas and Happy New Year! <3

    Even though my official holidays started three days ago, I continued working with my friend and colleague – practicing guitar to deliver one beautiful piece to you. Antoine de Lhoyer, Frenchman, guitarist, composer, who participated in French revolution, to whom I have deep respect. The Jack Duo playing a beautiful guitar duo piece for you:…

  • “Composer-Performer”. Lost in freedom

    While traveling and visiting different schools in Europe, I noticed, that these days classical guitar teachers let students to improvise and compose their own piece more than before. That’s a very good tendency! I do it regularly with my students already for several years. Recently I gave a lecture, during which I spoke to teachers…