Tag: education
New (old) piece is finished
Long time since my last post. During that time few things happened: I wrote a set of “Pieces for Kids. Level I”, finished one of my older pieces called “A Tune”, which I was composing in 2015, but didn’t finish, went to a lecture of Patrick Zeoli (student of Abel Carlevaro) about the guitar technique.…
Next academic year
Another academic year is over, but already generating ideas for teaching during next year. GLOSSARY Many students start instrument playing when the school starts, age 6-7. Children’s reading skills are incomplete or completely missing. Even though actual theory learning doesn’t start at that point, it’s possible to teach to a small children musical glossary through…
Learning guitar
По-русски ниже. Eesti keeles allpool. EN May – June. Examinations in progress. First year of studies is introduction to guitar: simple, characteristic pieces on one, two and more strings; melodies on treble, on bass strings; solo pieces, guitar duo with teacher. Basic skills are obtained: correct posture, sound producing; improvisation, composition (song form). Second year…
In step with the times
Technology comes more into our lives. Some people resist. Some – accept, adopt and build them into their lives. I always was a bit afraid of the computers and programs. Because when comes a problem, pretty often there is no one to assist you and you keep struggling with your computer trying to solve it.…
“Composer-Performer”. Lost in freedom
While traveling and visiting different schools in Europe, I noticed, that these days classical guitar teachers let students to improvise and compose their own piece more than before. That’s a very good tendency! I do it regularly with my students already for several years. Recently I gave a lecture, during which I spoke to teachers…
The way to learn
Thought about improving my piano playing skills and… Wrote a “waltz” piece for piano solo! 🙂 One of the ways to learn any instrument is to “talk” to it, to discover it and to understand how it works (how sound is produced). Then to write a small easy pretty piece for it. That’s how that…
“Composer-Performer” course feedback!
(In English and Russian below) ET Tuli tagasiside minu kursuse “Helilooja-Interpreet” osalejatelt Tallinnas. See oli küsimustik, kus osalejad said hinnata erinevaid kursuse külgi (skaalas 1 – 5. Kus 1 tähendas “ei nõustu” ja 5 “täiesti nõus”), Samuti anda mõni nõu, mida võiks parandada. Muuseas oli küsimusi, näiteks: “Informatsioon pakkutud sellel üritusel on oluline sinule”,…
Composer-Performer. Just did it.
ET Esitlus Tallinna Kitarrifestivali raames on tehtud! Selles ettekandes püüdsin näidata, kui oluline on kompositsiooni õpetamine nii väikestele lastele kui ka täiskasvanutele. Tuletasime meelde aegu kui iga mängija oli ka helilooja. Võiksime õppida meie eelkäijatelt ja tekkitada juurdepääsu rõõmu juurde pillimängus. EN Did a presentation at Tallinn Guitar Festival. In that presentation I tried…
Preparing a presentation for Tallinn Guitar Festival. In that presentation I will try to show the importance of teaching composition to small kids and adults. Looking back in history, when each player was also a composer, and learning from our predecessors is an access to a lot of joy when playing an instrument.
The first experience
The idea of the first experience proved itself working well. Most of the beginners, who came in my guitar class in September 2016, these days ask me regularly “when can we do our own piece? Please! Please!” 🙂 According to my program, a student, coming to a first lesson with me, is creating right away…