Tags: composition

Writing a melody

Writing a theme or a melody for a piece for me is an intellectual work, a lot of analysis. I think of a theme as of a person and search for a better way to describe its character. In music for that we have three basic tools: Melody. Harmony. Rhythm. Where the second one can be seen as a […]

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Small composers-performers. 2nd concert

ET Eelmisel nädalal mu väiksed heliloojad-esinejad õpilased mängisid oma teise kontserdi. Jällegi soe vastuvõt publiku poolt. Vanemad väga õnnelikud! Mõtlen käivitada oma kontserdisarja. RU На прошлой неделе мои маленькие композиторы-исполнители сыграли свой второй концерт. Опять тепло принимается зрителями. Родители очень счастливы! Думаю о запуске нашей собственной серии концертов. EN Last week my little composers-performers students […]

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A Form

When I teach composition to my small and big students I always spend some extra time and repeat again how important it is to have a form: beginning, middle part and ending. How to arrange them, so that they work. It’s like a cake: when all the ingredients are mixed without a clear logic, without […]

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Concert in Kuusalu – “Creating music” 25.11.2016

Yesterday’s concert in Kuusalu – “Creating music” – was another proof that audience like to participate actively in a concert. The last “audience” piece came out different compared to the previous one, cause there were some older students in the audience, who used their knowledge and invention very skillfully to complete the task. So, me […]

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A 7-note scale

Within a 7-notes scale there is really a lot of different harmonies and chords hidden. Choose one of the notes and spin around it like a planet around the Sun. Jump on another planet and watch the rest six notes spinning, passing by, each with its own pace. Seems like it can continue endlessly: it […]

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